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    14.11 2007

    When the crane balances with the load

    Sometimes it is amazingly simple ideas that bring about technical progress. The cranes manufactured by the French Seram Group are such a case. The principle of a movable counterweight allows the hydraulic machines to extend their grippers significantly longer than any conventional crane. Instead of like normal cranes from above, the machines, aptly called balance cranes, can work like excavators - with a 40 meter long radius and therefore much longer than the competition. A worldwide patent protects against replicas.

    “You can imagine it like a huge artificial arm,” says Gerwin Eilers. The head of the Wardenburg company Hafen- und Industrietechnik (HIT) has known the cranes since the mid-1990s, when he worked in the Belgian port city of Antwerp. In 1997 he founded the company HIT in Wilhelmshaven, and since 2002 it has been located in the Wardenburg industrial area on Ostkamp. Since this year, the company has been responsible for sales and service of special cranes for Denmark and northern Germany.